
Lack Of Love In Your Life? Here Are A Few Tips


By Roger Phillerald

Attraction is the foundation of love, it is the initiator of love and hence, one cannot be separated from the other. For guys, attracting a women is somewhat more difficult compared to how easy it is for women to find a man. Irrespective of the gender, a relationship that involves love is founded on attraction. Women, because evolution shaped them that way, are choosey.

There are a lot of factors that a guy has to satisfy before a woman is attracted to him. On the other hand, men choose women based solely on physical beauty. Many men are often unable to find love because they simply do no understand what women look for in men.Add to this, their low self-esteem from previous failures, and their chances of success keep getting smaller.

It is not that you have to pretend to be an alpha male to be a chick magnet. Women do not always look for a domineering male, and sometimes they just find that attitude off-putting. Physical appearance and confidence are two of the qualities that women do look for, at least for short term relationships. However, emotional availability, a nurturing nature and income are what they look for in potential partners when they are aiming for long term relationships.

Despite what pick-up artists might tell you, there are no cardinal rules on how to attract women. But girls, almost always, are attracted to guys who are confident about themselves. Also, take care that you do not come across as arrogant and an un-tolerable egotist. Secondly, it is good to remember that girls do like someone who is exciting. And, that thing about being attracted to bad boys is not really true. Having a sense of humor is important. Girls love to be with someone who can make them laugh. Being good at intimate relationships does pay off. Knowing how to please your partner can help cement the relationship. You might also try using products like male extra to have that extra edge.

Never lead a girl to believe you are just want friendship, it is important that you send the right signals - you want her as more than a friend. The reason why some people are unable to go beyond let-us-be-friend is because they come off as unchallenging and too conforming. Try to be your natural self, do not pretend. Be funny and articulate. If it was a first date, be interesting, stay clear of banality but don't be too uptight either. Since, intimacy and love is what you are aiming for in a relationship, make sure you and your partner reciprocate and communicate.

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