By Douglas Kidder There are proper procedures of diagnosing diabetes. To ensure correctness of the procedure and accuracy of result as well as the safety of the patient, medical assistance is encouraged. Seek the help and opinion of trained professionals. What is diabetes? Diabetes is the metabolic disorder over the body's inability to properly absorb and burn glucose in the blood. The process needs insulin. The most common diabetes is the Type 2 diabetes. This is the type of diabetes that is developed over time and during adulthood. Type 2 diabetics produce ineffective insulin. Type 1 diabetes is developed while the patient is still young, and in their case, their bodies do not produce enough insulin or none at all. Another type of diabetes is the gestational diabetes developed while still in the mother's womb. Nine out of every ten diabetics have Type 2 diabetes. Most of the causes are coming from unhealthy lifestyles and indulgence of fatty foods. The most notable compl...