
Tapping Into Your Intuition On a Nature Wander


By David Jackson

Nevertheless, as you wander with your intuition you'll probably notice that you will naturally shift from one perception to the next. Maybe you'll move past some fragrant flowers on your wander as well as your focus will usually go and visit their scent. Otherwise you may notice the sound forms of the lizard scattering away and your focus will naturally visit both the sound forms of his scattering as well as searching for the motion as he goes.

The point right here is to try and broaden your awareness by overlapping your senses. For indigenous people saw the world in an expanded sense of consciousness. They would not just hear the lizard and see it running away, but just at the same time could be aware of all the movement of the leaves to their right, the sound forms of the distant bird call behind them, the waft of earth when it permeated in the ground as well as the tactile sensations when they passed against a tree branch and the inner feeling arising in the second they had been in.

You'll most likely also notice that while you wander with your intuition within the wilderness in your expanded and heightened senses you will start to move much in a different way. Rather than strolling much in a straight line at a constant pace you may start to note that you will halt and pause every now and then in order to process every thing around you. Similar of the way a cat will walk.

Some people call this leopard strolling. For whenever a leopard walks, he will naturally halt and pause every now and then as he walks. Whenever a leopard stops he will usually glance to his right hand side, glance to his left, look upwards, downwards in addition to taking the time to also look behind. Walking in this way will let you take in a lot more of one's environment through your senses. You will begin to notice and take in a lot more of all the small details in the wilderness components about you.

With practice you will be able to heighten and combine your senses to become more aware of all the details and subtle nuances of what's happening inside the wilderness. You'll start to start to be noticeably attuned to both the physical and religious world around you. Losing your thoughts and coming to your senses unlocks the gateway to the religious dimension beyond the one we normally see.

After you have gone through your five predominant senses and have heightened them you will probably notice a deeper connection to either your self and the dimension around you. You will probably also notice the perception of separation in between your perception of self and also the supposed exterior dimension has started to blur. This is establishing the perception for you personally to tap into your sixth perception, or your religious perception. This sixth sense will guide you to the answers nature is constantly giving you in your heart walk.

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