Sending of mails to the right person is very convenient. To ensure that every parcel reaches the intended person there must be confirmation of addresses. Unlike ancient days when this was done manually modern methods are now used. The use of a machine to confirm an address is very convenient and accurate. The most modern method of verification is known as CASS certification. CASS stands for Coding Accuracy Support System.
This is a method where all the required details are verified before any letter or parcel is dispatched. This is dome through the use of developed software that has all the necessary details. The most important details include ZIP codes ad addresses. In order to keep the software up to date it is upgraded regularly. This makes it possible to make changes in case a person or a business has changed addresses.
Some of the vital information needed include eleven-digit address and ZIP code. This is however updated evenly to make sure that the addresses refer to the right recipients. There are two modes of delivering mail which include automated mode which involves couriers and non-automated mode which involves house-to-house delivery.
This mode of address confirmation is free and usually verifies small numbers of addresses at a time. It is cheap since all that is needed is internet connection and therefore appropriate for developing enterprises. This is convenient because a person does not have to update the software since it updates itself automatically.
The difference between the two modes in mainly that one mode can be used offline while the other mode can only be used online. The internet verification mode is also known as Internet Dial-A-Zip mode. A sender does not have to purchase or update the software. This mode is unlimited but if strongly dependant on the internet speed.
The second mode is through the use of software. The software mode speed depends entirely on the computer speed. The software is purchased and the user has to update it every two months. These two methods are very reliable and affordable. Any firm in the mailing business must use CASS certification in order to achieve the set goals of customer satisfaction. cass certification
This is a method where all the required details are verified before any letter or parcel is dispatched. This is dome through the use of developed software that has all the necessary details. The most important details include ZIP codes ad addresses. In order to keep the software up to date it is upgraded regularly. This makes it possible to make changes in case a person or a business has changed addresses.
Some of the vital information needed include eleven-digit address and ZIP code. This is however updated evenly to make sure that the addresses refer to the right recipients. There are two modes of delivering mail which include automated mode which involves couriers and non-automated mode which involves house-to-house delivery.
This mode of address confirmation is free and usually verifies small numbers of addresses at a time. It is cheap since all that is needed is internet connection and therefore appropriate for developing enterprises. This is convenient because a person does not have to update the software since it updates itself automatically.
The difference between the two modes in mainly that one mode can be used offline while the other mode can only be used online. The internet verification mode is also known as Internet Dial-A-Zip mode. A sender does not have to purchase or update the software. This mode is unlimited but if strongly dependant on the internet speed.
The second mode is through the use of software. The software mode speed depends entirely on the computer speed. The software is purchased and the user has to update it every two months. These two methods are very reliable and affordable. Any firm in the mailing business must use CASS certification in order to achieve the set goals of customer satisfaction. cass certification
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