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Trout Fishing - Basic Tactics that Will Help You

By George Pittman

It's not unusual for newcomers to trout fishing - even if they are enjoying the sport - to become disillusioned when they don't catch as many fish as they hoped to catch. When you know that there are lots of trout in a stream or river and you still have trouble catching them, it can be a frustrating experience. We'll give you some suggestions in this report to help you fine-tune your strategies to trout fishing. Sometimes a simple change or two is all that's needed.

Make sure you use a light line when trout fishing. This is a very fundamental tactic. A four pound test is ideal for most situations, and in no cases should you go beyond six pounds. If you use a heavier line, there is more of a chance the fish will see it and stay away. This is an error novices to trout fishing often make. They don't realize that using a heavier line will stop the fish from biting. If you want to camouflage your line so the sharp-sighted trout don't see it, a mono-filament line that's light blue will do the trick. It's a good idea when you go fishing for trout to have only light tackle. Generally, you will find that a light-weight, 5-foot rod is suitable for most locales. The size of your lures is also important. For best results, choose lures that are small. When you are choosing hooks for trout fishing, pick hooks no larger than Size 10.

You should plan your trip for the times that the trout are more apt to be astir. If you pay attention to when the insects that the trout feed on are buzzing about, you will have a good idea of when the fish will also be active. Early in the evening, when the day starts to cool off, is when the insects start stirring. However, you must realize that the weather, climate, and time of year makes a difference. Look for trout to feed while the weather is still cool in the early morning if the daytime temperatures have been extremely hot. Another technique a lot of people don't consider is to coordinate their bait with the weather. Earthworms are the bait of choice in rainy weather because that's what the trout are finding washed into their waterway. When it's windy, what critters do you think the fish feed on? Crickets and grasshoppers get blown onto the water and attract the trout. You won't be far off the mark if you use bait that is comparable to what the fish are eating in the wild.

Those of you with a sense of adventure might want to try their hand at ice fishing. This is often done on lakes, and lake trout can be very large, making this kind of fishing appealing for many sportsmen. You start by drilling holes through the ice and sink live bait deeply down the hole. Keep your wits about you when you go ice fishing. It can be dangerous if the ice is not thick enough to bear your weight. One of the hazards of ice fishing is the danger of frostbite. That's why waterproofed and warm clothing is mandatory. If you're new to ice fishing, your best bet is to learn from an experienced ice fisher. There is a lot of preparation ahead of time and the equipment must be correct for this type of fishing.

An activity for all ages, trout fishing is perfect for newbies and experienced fishermen alike who can do this all of the life. This is especially the case if you explore different fishing spots and try to catch different types of trout. Many people will simply throw back their trout into the river after they catch it to make sure that the population of this fish continues to grow - go trout fishing today!

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