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Your Guide to Adventure Travels

By Alannah Lovett

Do you fantasize yourself being an adventurer? Do you dream of being able to go off and tour a remote location, climb an extreme mountain or try something new? Do you get excited when you think about pushing your limits and expanding horizons? If so, why do you settle for wearisome vacations?

Heck, you might even be able to fit in weekend adventure treks and still have time to spend with your parents looking through the old photos (again). Here are some adventure travels you should try.

If you like being in the outdoors and trying to survive and live off the land, why not take an Australian Walkabout? These have become trendy especially after one of the main actors on the TV show Lost made an attempt to go on one. The idea behind an Australian Walkabout is that you and your fellow adventurers head out into the Australian Outback with a guide.

When you go on a walkabout, you are living off the land in its entirety. You search for your own food, construct your own shelf from the items you can find outside and take on any "elements" that could come your way (weather, animals, etc). It is kind of like extreme camping and can be incredibly fulfilling.

Shark Diving isn't exactly light hearted but it is very exciting! The Shark Diver Company sells package deals that take you to the sharks of Mexico and California. These types of adventure travels are not cheap. These trips typically cost about three thousand dollars per person. Usually these types of vacations last for about five days.

Skydiving at the Grand Canyon becomes an option when you consider an adventure vacation. Explore the Australian outback from high above, in the sky - by taking a hot air balloon ride. When you decide to go to the extremes the entire world can be your jungle gym. For individuals interested in extreme vacations, India is notorious for paragliding. Why not try that on for size?

Do you love food? Do you enjoy learning about and trying cuisine form around the world? Why not do a culinary tour? Apparently, Italy is one of the trendiest destinations for lovers of food who want to experience cuisine in its "native habitat." Ireland, Spain and Greece also offer fabulous "culinary tours."

These types of tours give you more than just the option to try food prepared by a "native" chef but also to learn how to cook it for yourself. This is an ideal vacation for any chef wanna-be or any food lover.

Adventure travels were designed to get people to venture beyond their comfort zones. They help you experience sides of your personality that you don't usually want to experience. Are you sick of being on your couch and fantasizing about what life could be like in another part of the world? Have you always yearned to scale a mountain, swim with dolphins for camp out in the great outdoors of Australia or New Zealand? These are all available to you. It's as easy as choosing what kind of adventure you dream of and get out and do it. It's easier than you might think it is.

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