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Would you or your work safety finally be affected by the footnotes in the Dodd Frank Bill?

By Jovellene Chalmers

The only way of knowing if you might have a case is to contact a whistle blower attorney. These cases are fairly complex and costly, so a familiar attorney will need to represent you.

Who is a whistleblower?

According to the Dodd Frank Act outline, a whistleblower is someone that gives the SEC info showing that government security principles are being violated. This includes info relating to a violation that is preparing to take place as well as one that's now going down. So long as the whistle blower has some solid proof for their allegation, they are going to be protected under the normal whistleblowing laws, suggesting that bosses aren't permitted to retaliate by way of termination, suspension, victimization, demotion, discrimination or threatening behavior, and any of these acts is illegal.

How will a person who blows the whistle be handled by the company?

It doesn't need to be said that a person who blows the whistle who under the Dodd Frank Act has approached the SEC or filed a lawsuit regarding goings on in their company, is going to be concerned about the results. Naturally a professional lawyer will be available to help them in this troublesome time but they want be aware that the company could inform everybody that there's a whistleblower and divulge your identity or, from an alternative perspective, they may only tell those who need to understand.

Keep communications open

A company wants to take this type of claim seriously and keep communication paths open to the whistleblower both during and following the event, since if a whistleblower feels that he's treated differently from other workers, then under qui tam whistleblowers laws, he could have grounds for recourse.

So , you can see how keeping your eyes and ears open wide, and having the bravery to report any wrongdoings like tax fraud can harvest large financial rewards under the Dodd Frank Act, but it's not a choice to be taken lightly and you should usually contact an attorney for his guidance and so as you know your full rights as a person who is reporting fraud.

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