
John Howard - 25th prime minister


By Jon Hendricks

People who keep track of what is going on in the world of john howard politics know that john Howard was the 25th prime minister of Australia. Not everyone knows that kind of fact though. In fact you might not even know what the australian prime minister does. So read on to find out.

The australian prime minster is the leader and face of the country. Each prime minister is elected by the members of the government. The government are elected by the people. Every prime minister is in office for a certain period, then has to try to get their party re-elected if they want to serve another tenure.

The prime minister, john Howard for the sake of this post, is seen as the leader of Australia. This means that he is the face of Australia to the rest of the world. He represents the interests of his country in international meetings. The prime minister can influence the reputation of Australia quite heavily.

It is the australian prime minister who also has an important part to play when it comes to the election of the other ministers. It is the prime minister who will advise the governor general on certain topics and those topics are generally to do with the appointment of another minister. The prime minister needs to be sure that the advice given is good advice.

John Howard, as the australian prime minister, also chaired cabinet meetings. He also would have been an important part of deciding what legislation would be passed. The prime minister also plays a part in deciding when to hold an election and is then the leader of their party for that election.

Being the australian prime minster, as john Howard would most likely tell you, comes with Australian Prime Minister a lot of different responsibilities. It is not an easy job at all. Your country depends on you to lead them and to show them to the world in a positive light. Any prime minister can give the country they lead a bad reputation. There is a lot more information out there on john Howard, the 25th australian prime minister. All you have to do is go and look for it.

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