
Dog Training Techniques - Ones That Will Help You The Most


By Daniel Greer

Dog training is an important part of owning a dog, and it's not something you should overlook. Trained dogs are better behaved and grateful to know what's expected of them. You'll find that life is easier for both your dog and you once you've done some proper training. The dog training principles we'll be sharing in this article are used by many professional trainers and will work well if you apply them consistently.

If you have a puppy, you should teach them to not bite as soon as you can. When a puppy grows up and becomes a full-grown dog, if it is not taught to stop biting, it will continue to do so. For instance, when a puppy bites another puppy, it will scream. The key is to mimic this behavior so that the puppy understands that it is wrong. You should also turn away from the animal so it knows something negative happened. Following this strategy, the puppy will learn that doing this is bad. Crate training can also be used to help the puppy understand that biting is not okay. Starting the puppy early is absolutely essential, especially when trying to break them of the habit of biting.

One training technique that many people forget is not even a technique at all - have your dog run every day so that they are in shape and alert. The dog will not get enough activity, and as a result, behavioral problems will ensue. If your dog is unable to exercise enough, they may bark frequently and also show aggression regularly. You must initiate the playtime. If you do, your dog will respond in a favorable way. Larger dogs, and smaller dogs, both need to exercise at least once every day. They should get a minimum of two good walks per day, and also play time. Dogs that get exercise, and get to play, are simply easier to train.

When you are dealing with dogs, it is important that you establish yourself as the pack leader from the outset. This role is also the alpha dog role. Your dog might think that they are in charge if they believe they are the alpha dog. You must perform certain basic actions to send the right message to your canine. Always wait until you are done eating before giving your dog anything. Dogs should never be allowed to sit where humans do like the sofa. Go out the door first, never second. By allowing your dog to go first, it will feel like the pack leader, and you are part of the pack. Whether you are eating, or playing, never let your dog be demanding in any way.

To get off to a running start, use the strategies and techniques in this article to help you begin to train your dog in a proper manner. It is important to consider how much time you have available to train your dog and use techniques that you know will work. After your dog knows the basics, move to more advanced training techniques that you have always wanted to teach.

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